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Our partners overseas

Some of our products are hand-made by our partners in Korea. Our partners are dedicated to making hand-made coffee clay products to support socially and economically disadvantaged whanau in the communities. With an emphasis on what the whanau can do, not their health conditions or other barriers, they provide various tailored support for their independence.

Here are some of our partners:

Incheon Yeonsu regional
self-support centre

While producing our various coffee clay products, they provide socially disadvantaged whanau with sustainable employment and help them to access diverse social services available to them.

Harmony Social Cooperative Association (Gobooggi) 

Under the motto of ‘Harmony for all’, they provide various paid work experience and training opportunities to severely disabled whānau so they may develop their potential and paddle their own canoe

Story of Dangsung

Dangsung has a severe physical disability with limited education and work experience. These have been the barriers to finding a job in the local labour market. The obstacles limited him from accessing various training opportunities and sustainable employment.


He’s now working with the Gobooggi, who shed light on his potential, and provided training to develop his skills. With outstanding hands-on skills, he makes coffee clay products and collects wasted coffee grounds from local cafes.


It has been a big challenge for him and his colleagues, however, they are experiencing how the sweat, the time, and the dedication paid off.


He will continue to develop his strengths and talents to move forward.

Thank you for joining us on this journey.

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